-the monstrous puppeteer
Vulnerability of mind is a complete notion in itself, but it gets concealed often with entertainment around us. Entertainment indicates amusement and amusement could be impregnated via healthy ways or ignorance .Although, bliss of ignorance is highly enjoyed among human which is evident through our unhealthy habits to procrastination driven behavior . Binge watching is one of those, it may come across a cool urban term often counted nowadays, as one of 'the hobbies'. One could easily extract entertainment through it but is it the only thing that this person is extracting? Let's brainstorm together.
ELEVATES INACTIVITY- Dopamine is released through screen timing. As it is considered as a happy hormone yet, it is highly addictive as it brings instant gratification which motivates an individual to not stop. This destroys an insight for physical activity, as endorphins are replaced through dopamine without any bodily stress.
FOSTER LETHARGIC MINDSETS - Endorphins are essential for optimal brain activities but due to the negligence, watching television or web series ends up building sloth humans around us with lethargic thought processes. People tend to fall into a pit filled with abundance of ignorance and refrain from any social interaction halting our sense of ground reality.
ATTACK OUR SUBCONSCIOUS - Subconscious mind is that part of our neurological system which captures each and everything and leaves naught. It is more powerful than our memory and forms our outlook in the most subtle way possible. Feeding our subconscious with bounty and utter useless information would lead us to messy and foggy mindsets which will hinder our peace and promote restlessness.
IGNORANCE OVER KNOWLEDGE- With lazy thought processes and unclear viewpoints, one would only perceive a distorted view of reality. True knowledge requires effort and vision but dopamine would restrict you from doing that as by now you are most interested in your leisure rather than a sorted standpoint.
MANIPULATE YOUR CURIOSITY- Television and Web series , very cleverly tricks your interest to become unrealistic and shallow. They often make you sleep in a state of deception where you are sure of knowing everything without actually knowing. This could be the most dangerous state to be in.
Television or web series are only to serve the purpose of stress releaser and not your window to the people or the world. As I would like to conclude it with a quote by Swami Vivekananda -
"Anything that makes you weak, physically, intellectually, and spiritually, reject it as poison".